Tarot Myth Busting

4 min readJan 8, 2024
Photo by Noel Nichols on Unsplash

Greetings, cosmic souls! Have you ever felt the magnetic pull of tarot cards, only to be swayed by the myths and misconceptions that shroud this mystical art? Fear not, for we are embarking on a journey of cosmic myth-busting, revealing the truths behind tarot that will leave you enlightened and empowered.

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Myth 1: Tarot Predicts a Fixed Future

Ah, the illusion of a predetermined fate! Let’s debunk this myth right away. Tarot is not a crystal ball foreseeing an unalterable destiny. Instead, it’s a cosmic mirror reflecting the energies of the present moment. The cards guide, empower, and provide insights to navigate life’s twists and turns. Your destiny? It’s a tapestry woven by your choices, not predestined by the cards.

Photo by Martin Wyall on Unsplash

Myth 2: Tarot Is Only for the Gifted Few

Here’s a cosmic truth: Tarot is a universal language, and everyone can learn to speak it. You need not be born under a particular star or possess otherworldly gifts. With dedication, practice, and an open heart, you can unlock the wisdom of the cards. Tarot is a cosmic conversation open to all who seek its guidance.

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Myth 3: Tarot Is Dark Magic or Witchcraft

Let’s dispel the shadows surrounding this myth. Tarot is not about summoning spirits or casting spells; it’s a tool for self-reflection and guidance. The cards tap into your intuition, not otherworldly realms. The cosmic energies harnessed are those within you, helping you connect with your inner wisdom. Light a candle if you wish, but the true magic is the journey within.

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Myth 4: Tarot Readings Are Set in Stone

The cosmic dance of free will prevails! Tarot readings are snapshots of your current energies and potential paths. The cards reveal possibilities, not absolutes. Your choices shape the trajectory, rendering the future fluid. A tarot reading is a roadmap, offering guidance as you navigate life’s cosmic highway.

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Myth 5: Tarot Only Predicts Major Life Events

Let’s debunk the notion that tarot only unfolds grand prophecies. Tarot is your cosmic companion in the everyday. It illuminates the nuances of daily life, offering insights into relationships, career choices, and personal growth. The power lies in its versatility — from major life shifts to the subtleties of the cosmic breeze.

Photo by Alessio Zaccaria on Unsplash

Myth 6: Tarot Is Linked to Evil or the Occult

Time to banish the shadows! Tarot is not a tool of darkness; it’s a cosmic beacon. The cards harness archetypal energies, much like storytelling or art. Embrace the light within, and let the cosmic truths revealed by tarot guide you towards love, understanding, and personal evolution.

Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

Embrace the Cosmic Wisdom

As we examine these truths, remember, tarot is a cosmic ally, and it is a mirror reflecting your soul’s journey. Break free from the myths that bind and allow the cards to illuminate your path.

Claim Your Cosmic Wisdom: Free Tarot Ebook Awaits!

Ready to dive deeper into the cosmic truths of tarot? Claim your free tarot ebook, “Navigating the Cosmos With Tarot,” and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Your cosmic wisdom awaits at


